Twilight Realms Of Elberen
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The Beginning Chapter 4: Blood Is Thicker

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1The Beginning Chapter 4: Blood Is Thicker Empty The Beginning Chapter 4: Blood Is Thicker Sun May 13, 2012 12:59 pm



Having left the utter ruin of Grondthanc's abode in the Eldenwood, our heroes have chosen to leave the forest on the revelation that Tain's brother, Koko, is being held prisoner by the infamous Night Wind thieves guild. Because she had not returned to Aranorn, Tain fears that Koko will be harmed or even killed. Upon passing through the ancient Leaf Gates that mark the boundary to the Eldenwood, our heroes are surprised by a darkly dressed and masked human who steps out from behind an Emberwood tree.....

May 12 18:49:23 <Khelic> Ah! Little sister....we have missed you so in Aranorn. Wherever could you have gone?

May 12 18:49:38 <Grondthanc> Ah family...charming.

May 12 18:49:56 * Andel looks at Tain in surprise.

May 12 18:50:22 <Tain> Tain smiles charmingly at the man and holds out the medallion. "I was out working hard for you of course"

May 12 18:50:53 * Khelic chuckles and slowly shakes his head.

May 12 18:51:21 <Tain> Tain's smile fades slowly. "What's the matter?"

May 12 18:51:28 <Khelic> Oh, sweet sister. It is much too late for that. You were due last night. Mother and father were so distraught....

May 12 18:52:09 * Grondthanc <is still chewing on his cigar that he lit at the rubble of his house>

May 12 18:52:50 <Tain> Tain's mouth draws into a thin tight line and she throws the medallion to the ground, narrowly missing the man's feet. "I'm not your sister. But I do have a brother. I was just on my way to retrieve him with my friends here"

May 12 18:53:36 * Khelic stops laughing and his eyes go hard.

May 12 18:53:37 * Grondthanc <picks up the medallion casually>

May 12 18:54:11 <Khelic> Oh but you are my sister. You cannot cast family aside so casually....

May 12 18:54:26 * Andel looks apprehensive.

May 12 18:54:38 * Grondthanc <mumbles "I think she just did...">

May 12 18:54:57 <Khelic> As for Koko...well look! Here he is!

May 12 18:55:01 <Tain> Tain's eyes smoulder and she puts her hands on her hips. Advancing toward Khelic, her eyes narrow until she is inches away from him. "I want my brother. And stop calling me your sister. You smell bad"

May 12 18:55:23 <Tain> Tain looks to where Khelic indicates

May 12 18:55:42 <Grondthanc> He does not smell that bad...*puffs cigar*

May 12 18:55:43 * Khelic beckons and two other masked men step out with a tied and gagged Elden. He is bruised almost beyond recognition.

May 12 18:55:58 * Andel 's eyes narrow.

May 12 18:56:04 * Grondthanc <raises a brow and his orange eyes widen a tad>

May 12 18:56:25 <Tain> All pretense of bravado vanishes as Tain wails "noooooooo" and begins to run toward Koko with her arms outstretched

May 12 18:56:53 <Khelic> raises a hand and one of the men puts a knife to the Elden's throat.

May 12 18:57:15 <Khelic> Now, now sweet sister. Let us not do anything rash....

May 12 18:57:36 <Tain> Tain skids to a stop. "No! No! Don't! He's done nothing. Leave him be!" She turns back to Khelic and pleads with him

May 12 18:57:37 * Grondthanc <cracks his knuckles as if he is about to do something rash>

May 12 18:57:58 * Andel looks warily at the three masked men, his hands lowered at his sides.

May 12 18:58:35 * Khelic chuckles, his eyes glittering.

May 12 18:58:42 <Tain> Tain falls to her knees in front of Khelic. "Why have you hurt him? What do you want?"

May 12 18:59:23 <Khelic> Want? Why, sister...I want what we all want. I want my dear sweet sister to return to us. But perhaps first....

May 12 19:00:05 <Khelic> Perhaps first I would like a....token of your obedience. A symbol of your undying love, shall we say....

May 12 19:00:05 <Tain> Tain begins to shake her head from side to side. She mutters to herself under her breath...

May 12 19:01:20 <Tain> Tain looks up at Khelic, her shoulders slumped, tears forming in the corners of her eyes. "Spit it out, Khelic. Don't leave me in suspense"

May 12 19:03:08 <Khelic> Dear sister...drop your weapons. You're about to attend a wedding.

May 12 19:03:47 * Andel 's eyes widen

May 12 19:04:10 <Tain> "What? Where?" Tain swipes at her eyes with the back of her hand and glances around then wrinkles her forehead at Khelic in confusion.

May 12 19:04:43 * Grondthanc <eyes are shooting back and forth his brow still raised and smoke rising from his stump of a cigar>

May 12 19:04:57 <Khelic> Why, our wedding, sweet sister. You will become my bride.

May 12 19:05:13 * Andel 's face flushes with outrage and anger.

May 12 19:05:51 <Tain> As Tain rises to her feet she gives Khelic a look of utter disgust and then she spits in his face. "I wouldn't marry you with a ten foot pole, you bastard."

May 12 19:05:54 <Grondthanc> This is a bit of a bad way to start a marriage wouldn't you say thin-skin?

May 12 19:06:40 * Khelic steps back and wipes his face. "Very well...I guess poor Koko will suffer for your lack of vision."

May 12 19:06:48 <Tain> Tain's eyes are focused on Khelic, but her fingers reach toward her boot

May 12 19:07:11 * Khelic raises his hand and the man with the knife presses it to Koko's throat.

May 12 19:07:17 <Tain> Don't you touch him, you sorry excuse for living!

May 12 19:07:39 <Khelic> I said. Drop. Your. Weapons. All of you. Or the Elden dies.

May 12 19:08:04 * Grondthanc <sets his pack off his back onto the ground with a sigh "Very well...">

May 12 19:08:13 * Andel slowly lowers his staff to the ground.

May 12 19:08:26 <Tain> Tain swiftly pulls the dagger from her boot and steps toward Khelic, hoping he is distracted by her companions.

May 12 19:08:36 <Andel> Tain! No!

May 12 19:09:14 * Grondthanc <stumbles back up dropping the pack that was being brought to the ground>

May 12 19:09:16 <Tain> Tain shouts, "I will kill you Khelic if you hurt my brother" She reaches out to grab Khelic's arm...

May 12 19:09:30 <Khelic> Foolish wench! Is it worth your brother's life?

May 12 19:09:47 <Tain> Is it worth yours you worthless piece of crap?

May 12 19:10:14 <Khelic> So be it. Jarvil!

May 12 19:11:07 <=Scene=> Koko's voice starts as a gasp, then ends as a gurgle as the man holding him traces a thick red line across his throat, pushing him forward as his life's blood geysers out onto the forest floor.

May 12 19:11:09 <Tain> Tain takes a huge leap toward Khelic with her dagger out in front of her, aiming for his throat. At the same instant she yells to Andel and Grond "Help him!"

May 12 19:11:25 <Andel> NO!!

May 12 19:11:29 * Grondthanc <spits out his cigar and thuds over to the group in typical Trall fashion, angry and one of the scariest things on the planet>

May 12 19:11:46 <Grondthanc> I will keep weapons out of this as you requested dirt...

May 12 19:12:12 <Andel> just made a very, very bad mistake....*eyes begin to smoulder dangerously as he lifts his hands.

May 12 19:12:16 * Grondthanc <thuds up to Jarvil and swings his fist down to smash his face in.>

May 12 19:12:23 <Tain> Tain is blinded by her rage, and swings her dagger in Khelic's direction, screeching loudly

May 12 19:14:00 * Andel raises his hands and directs them at the masked man standing beside Jarvil.

May 12 19:15:02 <=Scene=> There is an explosion, and Andel is propelled backward through the trees several hundred feet away.

May 12 19:15:33 <Tain> Tain propels herself into the air slashing at Khelic with her dagger

May 12 19:17:14 <=Scene=> Tain misses by inches while Khelic laughs.

May 12 19:17:46 * Grondthanc <has thudded up to Jarvil and swings his fist like a wrecking ball at his head.>

May 12 19:18:30 <=Scene=> A tree is obliterated by the force of Grond's fist as it misses Jarvis.

May 12 19:18:54 * Grondthanc <pulls his fist out of the hole he made with a grunt and he turns back to the group>

May 12 19:23:25 * Khelic lashes out and kicks Tain right in the stomach, forcing all of the air out of her lungs.

May 12 19:24:01 <Tain> Tain falls to the ground with a thump, the dagger skittering across the path out of reach

May 12 19:24:05 * Grondthanc <brushs off some saw dust from his hand and thuds over to the group now>

May 12 19:24:10 * Jarvil stabs at Grond, but his blade snaps on the Trall's hide.

May 12 19:24:45 <=Scene=> There are dull moans coming from the brush some three hundred feet to the left.

May 12 19:25:04 * Grondthanc <grunts and reaches down and grabs the man's leg and lifts him up upside down.>

May 12 19:26:10 <Tain> Gasping for air, yet frantic for her brother and royally po'd at Khelic, she struggles to her feet, then lunges for Khelic's face with her fingernails

May 12 19:26:44 * Khelic staggers back with a cry of pain as Tain's nails rend his flesh.

May 12 19:27:07 * Grondthanc <lifts Jarvil up farther by the leg and looks the man in the eye for a moment.>

May 12 19:27:21 * Jarvil screams in sheer terror as he is lifted up and comes face to face with a very unhappy Trall.

May 12 19:27:44 <Grondthanc> Don't you know that daggers are very useless against Tralls? Well...its a learning thing I suppose.

May 12 19:28:02 * Jarvil begins to pray fervently.

May 12 19:28:16 * Grondthanc <with this Grond slams the man back and forth on the ground like a ragdoll over and over and over again.>

May 12 19:29:09 <=Scene=> The man standing next to what is left of Jarvil turns and flees, muttering something that sounds a bit like "Truck this!!"

May 12 19:29:43 * Grondthanc <drops the bloody mess in his hand to the ground with a Thud.>

May 12 19:30:02 * Khelic grabs Tain by the wrists and wrestles her to the ground.

May 12 19:30:26 <Tain> Tain screams in rage and leans in to bite Khelic on the cheek

May 12 19:30:39 <=Scene=> From the bushes comes the sound of something.....

May 12 19:30:59 * Grondthanc <looks over his shoulder, its right behind him *the bushs that is*>

May 12 19:31:45 <=Scene=> Suddenly, a gigantic saurian head with dagger-like teeth snakes out from the bushes. Two-massive dragon wings spread out to either side. The roar is deafening.

May 12 19:32:10 * Grondthanc <sighs and mutters "Oh shi-">

May 12 19:32:32 <Tain> Tain screams and struggles to untangle herself from Khelic's grasp

May 12 19:32:57 <=Scene=> The dragon crashes into the clearing, it's blue and lavender scales glitter in the sunlight as it lowers it's eyes to regard Khelic with bestial fury.

May 12 19:33:23 * Khelic gasps and scrambles away on his back, leaving Tain behind.

May 12 19:33:33 * Grondthanc <steps back a bit as not to upset the thing.>

May 12 19:34:07 <Tain> Tain, believing the dragon is heading her way, scrambles to her feet and backs away, promptly stumbling over her dagger and falling

May 12 19:34:41 <Tain> She grabs for the hilt and throws it hard in the general direction of the thing

May 12 19:35:06 <=Scene=> The dragon roars once more and advances upon Khelic. Tain's dagger glances off it's tough scales.

May 12 19:35:20 * Grondthanc <holds up his hands as Tain lifts the dagger and lets them drop with a gruff "Damn">

May 12 19:35:26 <Tain> Tain rolls lightly out of the way

May 12 19:35:52 * Khelic screams one moment before he is engulfed in azure flames. The air fills with the stench of roasting meat.

May 12 19:36:10 * Grondthanc <Is suddenly hungry>

May 12 19:36:47 <=Scene=> The dragon roars once more and bends it's sinuous neck down to devour the charred remains of Khelic.

May 12 19:37:04 * Grondthanc <chuckles clapping his hands>

May 12 19:37:25 <Tain> Bathed in sweat, her hair a tangled mass of leaves and dirt, Tain rises and runs toward Koko's body. Dirty tears run down her cheeks as she reaches for him.

May 12 19:37:39 <=Scene=> The dragon turns to regard both Tain and Grond. It's roar splits the sky as it thunders off back into the bushes....

May 12 19:38:11 <Grondthanc> Nice chap, wounder if he knew us- *he turns to Tain and remembers why the fight even started*

May 12 19:39:15 <Tain> Bowing her head, her tears dropping on Koko's broken body, Tain weeps softly and rocks back and forth, her arms wrapped around her stomach.

May 12 19:39:20 <=Scene=> Koko's flesh is pale, and his eyes stare upward unblinkingly.

May 12 19:40:05 <Tain> Tain grits her teeth and whispers, "I promise you little brother, I will kill them. I will kill them all"

May 12 19:40:37 * Grondthanc <swallows loudly and thuds over to his pack>

May 12 19:41:30 <=Scene=> Birds chatter nervously overhead as the sounds of battle die off, leaving only Tain and Grond in the clearing.

May 12 19:41:35 * Grondthanc <mumbles as he rummages through his pack for his cigars, some of the words are "Family" and "foul painful thing.">

May 12 19:42:16 <Tain> Slowly Tain's sobs subside and with her fingers lightly brushing Koko's cheek, she turns and looks around. "Where is the Elden magician?"

May 12 19:42:50 <Grondthanc> Hell if I know...hit a tree I think.

May 12 19:43:12 * Grondthanc <pulls out a cigar and lights it quickly with a match trying to show as little emotion as possible.>

May 12 19:43:23 <Tain> Tain sniffles and hiccups. "We need him Grond. Go see if you can find him. He may be hurt"

May 12 19:43:45 * Grondthanc <thuds off following a trail of burned grass>

May 12 19:44:22 <=Scene=> A meek voice speaks haltingly from the brush several yards away. "I...I am here..."

May 12 19:44:51 <Tain> Tain tilts her head toward the sound. "Elden? Is that you?"

May 12 19:45:03 <Andel> Stay there!!

May 12 19:45:19 <Tain> Are you hurt?

May 12 19:45:32 <Tain> Tain rises to her feet

May 12 19:45:55 <Andel> N-No! I um...well....there appears to have been a sort of....unplanned side effect to that last spell....

May 12 19:46:14 <Grondthanc> You took off like a cannon ball Red-wolf...

May 12 19:46:21 <Tain> What spell was that, O Great One?

May 12 19:46:32 <Tain> Tain wipes her eyes with her torn sleeve

May 12 19:46:35 * Grondthanc <extends his hand to help him up, smoke trailing from his cigar>

May 12 19:46:56 <Andel> I um....Grond...have you any...ah....clothes that might fit me?

May 12 19:47:15 <Grondthanc> Why?

May 12 19:47:15 <Tain> Tain squints. "What happened to yours?"

May 12 19:47:32 <Andel> The uh...the sort of....caused my clothes to disappear. Yes.

May 12 19:48:12 <Grondthanc> Thats a shame...take my coat. Its massive but it may fit. Or you can have Jarvil's stuff.

May 12 19:48:21 <Andel> Jarvil?

May 12 19:48:23 <Tain> Tain sighs and turns her back. "Elden. Take my brother's clothes. You're a little taller but about the same girth. He would want you to have them"

May 12 19:48:42 <Andel> I um....I can't come get them.....

May 12 19:48:46 <Grondthanc> The man I smashed back the- *turns to tain*

May 12 19:49:04 <Tain> Grond. Koko's clothes should fit the Elden

May 12 19:49:14 <Tain> Koko doesn't need them now

May 12 19:49:29 <Grondthanc> I'll get em...

May 12 19:49:45 <Tain> Tain nods and walks off a little ways.

May 12 19:50:06 * Grondthanc <Thuds over and collects the garments and then returns to Andel tossing them to him.>

May 12 19:50:34 * Andel quickly shrugs into Koko's clothes and nods his thanks to Grond. He slowly looks to Tain. "Is...Is she alright?" he asks the Trall.

May 12 19:50:49 <Tain> Sighing softly, Tain studies the sky, then speaks over her shoulder. "What now, my friends?"

May 12 19:51:09 * Grondthanc <walks off to a rock ignoring both Elden's words and sits on it puffing on his cigar and looks off to the distant shadows of the mountains to the north east>

May 12 19:51:41 * Andel slowly approaches Tain, his hand outstretched but not touching her. "Tain...I...."

May 12 19:52:12 <Tain> Tain turns slowly and looks Andel up and down. "They suit you, Elden"

May 12 19:52:31 * Andel looks away "Tain...I am very, very sorry."

May 12 19:52:44 * Grondthanc <pulls the medallion out of his pocket and clears some dust off of it with his thumb then slides it over his head and around his neck>

May 12 19:53:03 <Tain> She shakes her head and touches Andel's cheek. "I know. But I think I also knew it was bound to happen."

May 12 19:53:30 <Tain> 'Thank you. Thank you both for...for being here for me. For us.

May 12 19:53:51 <Andel> I...I don't know what can there anything I can.....*sighs helplessly*

May 12 19:53:56 * Grondthanc <does not hear Tain from his sitting place>

May 12 19:54:17 * Grondthanc <simply keeps staring out at the misty shadows of the moutains.>

May 12 19:54:46 <Tain> Tain sighs loudly. " me hunt them down. One by one. Every last one of them. Even if it takes me a lifetime I swear I will do it."

May 12 19:55:12 * Andel speaks softly "Will...That will not bring him back, Tain..."

May 12 19:56:22 <Tain> Tain stares stonily into Andel's eyes. "Then how do I feel better? Shall I turn the other cheek?"

May 12 19:56:47 <Andel> No...but...what would Koko want for you?

May 12 19:56:56 <Grondthanc> Ya forget about pain and stuff it in your pocket...that always works *he says from far away*

May 12 19:57:08 * Andel turns to regard Grond

May 12 19:57:34 * Grondthanc <back is turned to the group as he sits on the rock facing north-east>

May 12 19:58:15 * Andel watches the Trall, thinking he has taken a small glimpse into the giant's past.

May 12 19:58:41 <Tain> Tain's eyes cloud over and she seems confused. She drops her gaze to the ground. "I don't know. I don't know anything anymore. And maybe I just don't even care"

May 12 19:59:09 * Andel smiles and offers his hand to Tain "Come...perhaps we will find the answers together."

May 12 19:59:41 <Tain> Hesitating for a long moment, Tain shrugs her shoulders, and places her hand in Andel's.

May 12 19:59:46 * Grondthanc <looks like a giant smoking stack on top of the rock with his silhouette in the moonlight>

To be continued.....

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